Water Treatment


Reverse Osmosis


AquaSwiss AG unique differentiation is the Pressure & Energy Centre designs, delivering very low energy consumption large scale seawater RO plants.

AquaSwiss AG Seawater Reverse Osmosis (RO) plants are used for treating a wide variety of water compositions.

AquaSwiss AG RO plants combine accumulated knowledge and experience of hundreds of years. AquaSwiss AG is proud of innovative process advances constantly pushing the limits of the Reverse Osmosis process design and efficiency, such as:

  • The “Pressure Centre Concept”
  • Patented Boron Removal System
  • Implementation of Large Scale hydrostatic Energy Recovery devices
  • Direct-on-Line Cleaning
  • Amongst the lowest energy consumption in the industry
  • Advanced process simulations & optimization models


MED – Multi Effect Distillation

medLow temperature multi effect distillation is a simple, reliable and efficient process utilizing low cost / low grade heat or waste steam. Vacuum enables operation at unparalleled low distillation temperatures (below 70 °C) minimizing scale and corrosion, and hence maintenance, to an absolute minimum. A large number of effects consequently results in very high economy ratios (product to steam) and the use of aluminum tubes improving the heat transfer results in lower investment cost compared to conventional high temperature processes.

All standard items of equipment in the plant, such as pumps, motors and controls are of top quality and reliable design, purchased only from reputable international manufacturers.

AquaSwiss MED plants are typically installed in power plants, refineries or other industries, and demonstrate very high availability and reliable operation with ease of maintenance.

AquaSwiss MEDs are:

  • Suitable to treat brackish and seawater
  • Able to produce boiler feed water with less than 10 ppm TDS guaranteed
  • Superior in availability and reliability
  • Flexible with load-following capabilities
  • Highly efficient with optional utilization of low cost waste heat energy sources


Strategic Alliance Partners

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